Social Communication

Our clinic provides screening, assessments, and can also provide therapy for social communication disorders.

Understanding Social Aspects of Communication

Someone with a social communication disorder struggles using verbal and nonverbal language and social interactions, understanding common communication patterns, and have difficulties with social relationships. According to the American Speech and Hearing Association, those with social communication disorders may not always change their communication patterns to match the needs of their listener, or they may not follow accepted rules for conversation and storytelling. Sometimes these individuals struggle to understand humor, sarcasm, or the more idiomatic types of communication interactions. These issues can cause difficulty in both social and work settings, strain relationships, hinder academics and vocational options.

Social Communication Services

• Evaluation of Social Language Skills

• Role Playing in Social Situations

• Video Modeling

• Individualized Therapy Programming

• Friends for Life Social Group

Our clinic is able to complete screening and assessment and can also provide therapy for social communication disorders.  This therapy may be individualized or in a group and would involve teaching social scripts, social stories, and/or role-play.  Clinicians might utilize an approach involving technology (iPads or specialized programs that incorporate vocabulary, social problem-solving exercises) or video-based modeling techniques.  

Social Skills Group

About the Group

Our primary focus at Friends for Life is to help expand and shape communicative engagement in a spontaneous and interactive environment. We are not trying to change kids to fit into any prescribed societal boxes.  We are trying to give them the confidence to be even more of the amazingly diverse individual they already are.  We work on interactive communication skills in games, structured lessons, yoga, karaoke, community activities, etc.  

How to Join

Anyone who would like to join can contact Greg Young by phone at: (801) 472-0320 or by email. 

Meeting Times

We meet every Thursday from 3:30pm to 5:30pm at the library inside American Fork High School.

American Fork High School
510 Caveman Blvd, American Fork, UT 84003

2024 Augmentative & Alternative Communication Camp

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